:Knowledge management| case 5|
Case from Dr. Leung
It is a valuable chance that Dr. Leung is our case study. Not only discussion in e-mail, we also send questionnaires and take phone interview with Dr. Leung in order to take a deep and detailed study from Dr. Leung. Although we cannot interview Dr. Leung face to face, we can ask him any question and discuss any problem with him through phone and e-mail.
Now, let me introduce the background information of Dr. Leung. He is one of the Funders and Execo in Knowledge Management Development Center. Besides that, he is a senior executive and a fellow of a quality management association. Therefore, Dr. Leung really plays an important role and is well-known in the Knowledge Management of Hong Kong.
As Dr. Leung has rich experience in managing Customer Knowledge in the researched company. We learn lots of Customer Knowledge Management (CKM) from his sharing. He point out that without an increased awareness and use of organizational customer knowledge throughout the entire organization, the organization is expected to loss of competitive advantage and ability to provide the products and services meeting the customer needs.
First and foremost, Dr. Leung introduced the Gap 1 and Gap 5 of SERVQUAL Model, which is the difference between customer expectations of service and perceived service. If expectations are greater than performance, then perceived quality is less than satisfactory and hence customer dissatisfaction occurs. In fact, there are totally five gaps in SERVQUAL Model, but Dr. Leung only selected two of most important gaps to share with us. Furthermore, Dr. Leung also mentioned that the researched company recognize the importance of good management in CKM to develop their scheme to control customer data for a long time.
On the other hand, feedback about customer experience from specific service encounters soon after the interaction occurs. He introduced there are number of tools to collect such information, such as telephone interviews, e-mail, website and fact-to-face interview. In addition, all of this information can be further divide into three categories, which are “for the customer”, “about the customer” and “from the customer”. Knowledge for customer is generated in the process within the enterprise, such as research and development. In a simple term, it is the product knowledge from service supplier to customers. Then, knowledge about customers is the knowledge about customer segments and individual customers. Information collected from surveys, service management and complaint handling are example of knowledge about customers. Lastly, knowledge from customers is captured from customers basing on the fact that customer gain their own expertise while using the product or service.
On the other hand, all information can also been classify into three types of customer knowledge. They are data-derived knowledge, human customer knowledge and tacit-unstructured, difficult-to-express knowledge.
Lastly, Dr. Leung gave us a real example of how the researched company maintains CKM. It is a meeting called Passenger Liaison Groups (PLG) Meeting, aims to invite university lectures to provide opinion from a forum for face-to-face exchange of opinion among passengers and organization management.
Pembahasan :
CKM atau customer knowledge management, untuk menunjukkan sebuah perusahaan yang memang sudah mapan. knowledge seperti ini sangat diperlukan, untuk mendapatkannya bisa bermacam-macam misalnya dengan mengumpulkan survey, pengelolan penanganan pangaduan, menurut saya itu baik, karena bisa membantu perusahaan untuk proses berkembang.