:Knowledge Management| case 2|
The Case Study of NGO in C&Y
Background of C&Y
C&Y is one of the Non Government Organization (NGO) to provide the social services for children and youths. C&Y has over 800 staff members and 50 community service locations. Their major target groups are children and youths from 2 to 35 years old.
In the past, C&Y had mainly provided the services to take care of their education, food and living. C&Y would also help equip them some living skills, such as weaving basket and needlework in order to improve their living standard.
Now, the society and economy have been growing rapidly, C&Y has changed their services. They provide a safe and supportive place for children and youths. They can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships and develop confidence and skills for their life. Also, C&Y provides more educational and counseling services for the children, youths and their parents. The C&Y focuses on:
- Healthy development of children and youths,
- Nurture children and youth to be responsible citizens,
- Take the special measures to resolve family crises,
- Help children and youth to fight for rights and welfares.
Also, C&Y provides many programmes in physical recreation, technology, the arts and personal growth for the children and youths. Therefore, C&Y has provided many innovative and diversified services for children, youths and their parents. The services include:
- Integrated Services for Young People
- Youth Work Experience and Training Scheme
- After School Care Services
- School Social Work
- Family Life Education
- Outreaching Social Services
- Campus Services
- Counselling Centre
- Hotline Counselling Services
- Children’s Home
- Kindergarten
C&Y has provided many different professional services for the children and youths, it helps them to grow in a healthy life and prepare them to face the challenges in the future.
Sumber: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Knowledge_Management_Cases_in_Asia#The_Case_Study_of_NGO_in_C.26Y
C&Y sebuah organisasi yang non profit, yang bertahan di kala morat marit keuangan di asia. Tujuan organisasi untuk berbagi ilmu pengetahuan di dalam organisasi tersebut. satu hal yang mereka percaya dan aset terbesarnya dalam berdirinya organisasi tersebut yaitu employes knowledge.
hal ini jelas akan menimbulkan kesulitan nantinya. bayangkan jika para pekerja sosial tersebut harus pergi dari organisasi tersebut dan mereka mempunyai metode/pengetahuan yang baru untuk di luar sana. Atau bertemu dengan masalah senioritas yang biasanya pekerja yang sudah senior tidakmau berbagi pengetahuan kepadayang junior.
alhasil dalam kasus ini dibutuhkan sebuah KM. misalnya dengan membuat sebuah program yang bisa memudahkan para pekerja sosial membagi ilmu lewat sebuah platform sharing.
bisa juga dengan membentuk sebuah tim khusus yang berurusan dengan pengetahuan yang didapat dari para pekerja sosial tersebut untuk berbagi. atau dengan mengadakan review meeting every week. sehingga para pekerja sosial tersebut akan merasa dihargai.